Gallery Talk — Louise McCagg: The Artist’s Eye

Lyman Allyn Art Museum, New London, CT, USA

October 24, 2024

Reception: 5:30 PM, Gallery Talk: 6:00 PM
Cost: Members $10 / Non-members $15
RSVP to 860.443.2545 ext. 2129 or email the Lyman Allyn Art Museum

Join the Lyman Allyn Art Museum for a gallery talk for Louise McCagg: The Artist’s Eye. Led by Louise McCagg’s daughters, artist Xanda McCagg and author Tory McCagg, and Curator Tanya Pohrt, this program will offer insights to the artist’s work, collection, and friendships.

An abstract painting of flowing red, blue, and yellow lines over shapes in yellow, green, blue, and red

Richard Timperio, Untitled, 2011, acrylic on arches paper. The bequest of Louise McCagg.